Granite setts

Granite setts are the most long-life material of road pavement capable to serve the mankind for ages. Setts are firm road pavement laid as flat square-angled paving blocks of approximately equal forms and sizes. For the first time ever sett pavements appeared in the Roman Empire, and some of those are still used. Today, due to its unique properties, beauty and elegancy, granite setts are the most popular material.

Nowadays, areas around office buildings, cottages, elite hotels, villas and exclusive houses are paved with setts that outlines their elegancy and presentability. Setts look excellent in garden and park areas.

Unlike cheaper asphalt pavement, setts are more resistant to temperature changes, high loadings, various vibrations, pressure, as well as oxidation influence, but at the same time do not emit harmful chemicals. Setts, which are usually made of firm rocks, have high load bearing capacity and low wear.

Manufacture of high quality granite setts is carried out by cleaving of large pieces of stones from treated surface. As a result, it seems to be natural cleave, which is quite indistinguishable from natural rift of rocks with chaotic relief surface. This method guarantees high quality of products – strong structure, wide range of deep colors, solid surface, as well as possibility to manufacture setts of various forms and sizes. Except cleaved setts, sawn and combined variants of setts are also applied, and their surfaces sometimes are exposed to grinding and heat-treatment.

Grey granite setts made of granite from the Tansky Deposit have a set of advantages. Improved strength and high resistance to wear provide long life of road pavement, elegancy of texture and honourable grey color outline the beauty and prestige of the exterior. Granite has excellent low temperature resistance, minimum water absorption and high-high strength.

As a rule, granite setts are laid by qualified workers exceptionally by hand following the specific technique. It is worth mentioning, that if repair works are required, the pavement may be easily dismantled for a while and laid again upon completion of the works.

Granite kerbs

We produce granite kerbs of standard and typical forms and sizes. Sawn, heat-treated, ground kerbs. Chamfered and not chamfered kerbs.

Feel free to contact us for any questions. We look forward to cooperation with our dear Customers.

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все грани пиленые, верх – термообработка
В ассортименте представлена брусчатка из гранита следующих размеров, мм: