About the Company

Major production capacities of PJSC Kyiv plant Granit are located at the address: 17 Vyzvolyteliv avenue, city of Kyiv.

Plant shops are equipped with sawing, edging and polishing machines. Capacity of installed equipment enables to produce up to 15 thousand square meters of granite plates per year. The Plant has its own rail access with lifting weight of 20 tons.

Furthermore, the Plant has production capacities directly at the Tansky granite quarry, where assorting and primary processing of blocks are performed, as well as manufacture of setts.

The Plant regularly renews equipment, which allows producing products that meet up-to-date quality standards. Plant capacities were used to manufacture memorials, monuments and sculpture ensembles of superb artistry, as well as reconstruction of the railway station and Kyiv metro stations were made.

Our Plant participated in reconstruction of National Sports Complex Olimpiyskiy – 10.5 ths square meters of granite plates from the Tansky Deposit were supplied for paving (heat-treated, thickness 100 mm).

Nowadays, the Plant exports end granite products from various deposits of Ukraine and granite blocks from the Tansky quarry.

Today the PJSC Kyiv plant Granitis a stone treating enterprise providing the complete production cycle, which quarries granite blocks in the Tansky quarry, produces and sells products made of granite from the Tansky Deposit  and other Ukrainian deposits : granite blocks, granite slabs, granite block-stones and non-edged plates, setts and kerb stone.